Thursday, September 26, 2013

Scripture: Shared by body of Christ

Psalm 119:130 ... The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.

Exhortation:  (Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet)

God gives us light and understanding by His Spirit.  By that word delivered by His Spirit we know the way to go and the way not to go.

One way the Holy Spirit speaks to us is by dreams.  Often I have been given a dream to show me truth.  People say all manner of things to try to make themselves approved by other humans.  But often God will give me a dream to show me what is really going on.  That is truth.

Sometimes the Holy Spirit will remind me of a scripture to guide me.

And sometimes there will just be a simple direction given me.  Here is an example of that.  I had ordered a sound processor.  My dealer kept saying to me that he thought it had been shipped.  I awaited email word telling me it had arrived at the dealers location.  No word came.  A week or so would pass.  Then when I inquired the dealer would say the unit should be at his place at the end of that week.  The week ended and no word from dealer.  I would inquire.  The dealer then said the unit should be at his location on Monday or Tuesday at latest.  Monday and Tuesday passed and no word from dealer.

Then I had the gentle instruction:  "Just contact dealer and tell me if the unit had not shipped why didn't he try to get the manufacturer to ship it directly to me."  That would save dealer effort and money since he lives on other side of Texas, about 450 miles away.

The dealer replied immediately saying "that is what manufacturer will do" (ship directly to me) ... and it should be shipped "tomorrow".  By that I received truth.  The unit had not been shipped.  I had been looking for it for about 2 1/2 weeks and had been told it had shipped.  But the truth was it had not been shipped.  Now, perhaps, it will be shipped.  But this time to me direct and I won't be looking for emails from dealer.  Instead I will send dealer email when unit arrives at my house.  This frees me.

God knows the truth about all issues.  And the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, reveals truth to us.  We are freed by truth.

It is the nature of man to withhold truth.  Usually there is no real reason to do this but man often finds it very difficult to speak truth.

God speaks truth by His Spirit.