Saturday, September 28, 2013

Approaching prayer

Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet

When we pray, we must pray "in faith" ... Prayer must not be a rote exercise... Prayer must be a real talking with God.

I use a spiral notebook when I meditate in scripture.  At the back of that notebook, I list subjects about which I have prayed.  And at the top of that prayer section, I keep two scriptures to help build my faith in God.

Prov. 3:6 ... In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Isaiah 58:11 ... And the LORD shall guide thee continually,

Looking at these scriptures helps me to pray in faith.

Looking at a listing of the subject helps me later when I wonder if I have prayed about a certain thing.

I don't always remember to list what I pray but it is helpful when doubts begin to come over the subject if I have listed what I prayed about.