Sunday, September 1, 2013


Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet

Friday I almost had car accident.  I nearly hit a car and it was my fault.  I was terrified.

Saturday morning I awoke thinking of this and was talking to God, "What should I do?" ... "I need help." ... "I don't know what I should do." ... "Please don't let me have accident." ... "Please help me."

At same time I was crying out to God, I was opening Bible and saw the following:   the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. Josh. 1:9  However, it was not that God reminded me of this, I saw it myself when opening the Bible.

I didn't feel settled.

But as I was praying I had three people brought to my mind.  "Frances, Elwanda, Larry" ... When I stopped and focused on these people, I started laughing and I believe I knew what God was saying to me.

These 3 played bridge and I saw them frequently at bridge center.  Frances couldn't see much at all.  She drove herself to bridge daily.  She parked very strangely, at all sorts of angles, taking up multiple parking places.  She couldn't see.

Elwanda couldn't see either.  I often passed her car enroute to bridge.  She drove a large Lincoln car and it was bright red.  I would seen her a block away.  She was always in left lane because she would need to turn left to get to bridge center.  She was driving about 20 miles an hour in left lane on a street with heavy traffic and cars zooming past her.  No doubt many drivers became angry because she was in left lane, creeping along.  But she couldn't see.

Neither of these women ever had accident.  Neither could see.  They couldn't have passed driving test to get license.  Yet they drove themselves.  And no accident.  (They were both in their 80's.)

Larry was mid-90's and drove one of those very large 1970 type Cadillacs.  When he got in car to leave bridge center, he reved the motor and took off, spinning gravel everywhere.  He didn't seem to notice the street he turned onto which had some traffic.  He never had accident.

I just sat and laughed when I thought of these three people!  I felt God was showing me I could drive and would be able to drive to the end of my life.