Thursday, June 7, 2012

Salvation for dying mother

Renee Bonfield ... evangelist

When my mother was alive I would go into Manhattan to visit her about once a week. During my visits I never mentioned God or Jesus, because this would upset her and she would rail out at me. On one of my visits, the persecution was so bad. I hadn't said anything to provoke this. At the end of this visit I was walking to the subway to go home. I felt so bad and asked God to please help me. All of a sudden there was a church in front of me. When I looked up over the doorway, there carved in stone was the most beautiful scripture -- Ro. 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. I really rejoiced over this and thanked God for showing me this scripture.

Some time after this my mother, who was almost 101 years old was in the hospital. We were told that she had
Pancreatic Cancer. I was scheduled to meet with other members of Jesus Mininsties in Dallas. I asked my mother
if she wanted me to cancel the trip and stay with her. She said "No, you go." When we were gathered together in
Dallas, I asked if we could have prayer for my mother who was dying of cancer. Joan said we could and asked me
what I wanted everyone to pray for. I said "That God would take my mother quickly and not allow her to suffer any
more, and to grant her salvation.  A few hours later I received a phone call from my sister saying that my mother had died. I do believe our prayers were answered, and that at the last minute she was saved.