Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Promotion from God

Pam Padgett ... teacher

Psalm 75:6 For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. 7 But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.

Promotion usually seems "good" to us, while being demoted does not.  But God knows everything about the matter, both now and in the future.  He knows if promotion would be good for us.  He knows if promotion would actually put us in the way of harm or evil (such as compromise or corruption).  He knows if promotion would continually keep our flesh stirred up. 

God knows everything about us and everything about the entire situation, and He judges what is best for us ... he putteth down one, and setteth up another.

At one point when I was working at FedEx, I was told that in order to keep the job level I had at that time (E3), I would need to report directly to both a vice president and managing director in Memphis (I live and worked in Colorado Springs).  Otherwise, I would need to take a demotion.  I prayed, asking God what I should do.  After considering everything brought to my mind after praying, I believed I was being led to take the demotion.  
Being demoted was hard on my flesh initially.  However, many times over the next several years, when seeing the pressure people at the E3 job level were under and how much travel many of them had to do, I thanked God that I was no longer in that position.  I believe this was the best thing for me in the situation, and continue to be grateful to God in this.
