Thursday, June 14, 2012

If we make our bed in hell ...

Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet

Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? 8If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.   Psa. 139

For about 6 years, I chose to play duplicate bridge.  There were many problems which had nothing to do with bridge.  There were all sorts of "spirits" in people and these were very difficult to have to be around.  Sometimes when the spirits were religious, I would just get up from the table and go into another area and wait a bit and then return to the table.  Sometimes it was so bad that I would ask the director to play in my place until the people left our table and went to another table. But during these years, it was my choice as to whether I went to bridge center and played bridge.  I chose to make my bed in hell and God let me do that.

There have been times I have called my cousin and gone through much misery because of her words.  But I chose to make that phone call.  I chose to "make my bed in hell."

There have been times I have started watching a TV show and have been very disturbed.  No one forced me to watch that program.  I chose to "make my bed in hell." (I often turn the TV show off before it is completed.)

There have been many times "I have made my bed in hell."

Each time, God was there with me.  God's Spirit was in me.  God didn't remove His Spirit.

God will often allow us to make our bed in hell if we choose to accept that invitation or do that thing.  But it is far better not to make your bed in hell when you have a choice in the matter. 

You might think you have to go there or you have to do that ... sort of like it is a cross you have to bear.

When Jesus was confronted with going to the cross, he prayed 3 times asking God to "remove that cup" from him ... But in that case it was the will of God so Jesus went.

Before going to a cross, we should diligently pray and see if we really have to do that ... otherwise we are simply making our bed in hell, and while God will sustain us when we belong to HIM, it might be better not to make our bed in hell.
