Thursday, July 31, 2014

Living the word of God

Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet

If you have the Spirit of God in you, the Spirit of Truth ... you will not be able to live in peace in places where "another gospel" is being preached whether in a church group or a "family".

Recently Pam Padgett told the amazing story of her mother being taken to hospital and how her niece let Pam know about this.  (Her mother lives in a neighboring state.)  Pam considered whether or not she should go there.  But God showed her to go there would be like standing on an ant hill.  She would be bitten over and over by her relatives, many who are Catholic.

Pam did not go.  It took amazing faith in God not to go!

When Pam and I were talking about this, we both were amazed at how these unbelievers are surrounded by many people but they still want us.  I have two cousins who have all sorts of people around them but both of them were unhappy with me for not wanting to do fleshly visits with them.  Yet I have no one in Lubbock and never feel at a loss.  They have masses of people about them and feel at a loss for people.

It is a labor to keep faith in God.

Faith always starts with the word from God on the matter at hand.  You cannot determine to have faith in God.  You have to seek the will of God through prayer and then do what you believe God shows you to do.