Monday, July 14, 2014

Daily we live and move and have our being in God

Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet

A few nights ago, I had a lot of pain in a leg.  I tried the "Freeze IT" type roll on which often works well for me ... but this time it didn't work.  I just began talking with God, telling HIM I didn't know what to do... and I was reminded of protein ... For the next few days I consciously added more protein to my foods and noticed I began to improve.

Yesterday I was lying in bed reading a novel when I heard the cat throwing up "Where is she?"  main question when you hear cat throwing up.  If she is on the hard floors it is no problem but when she is on carpet it is more of a problem.  This time she excelled in problem.  I have a sliding glass door in bedroom.  There is an 8 ft. tall curtain which raises and lowers by electrical cord which plugs in at top of curtain.  A few weeks ago cat managed to pull that cord out so now curtain will not raise.  It is lowered in there and that works for me so I just haven't had it fixed.  Cat likes to get between the curtain and the glass.  This is where she was when she threw up.  I had no idea how I could get there to clean it up.  I felt I would want to clean it before I have electrician come fix the cord to raise the curtain.  I got up and looked at the problem and just went back to bed.  I probably told God I had no idea how I could clean it up.  I picked up my novel and just began reading and as I read a thought came to me as to how I could clean up the floor.  I could put a small sized foot stool under the side of the curtain where I could raise the curtain and get to the problem.  I did this and it was just high enough to allow me to get there and clean the floor.

I can't separate my life from God for I know HE is always watching over me and helping me in things like these two examples.  And even as I sleep God watches over me and helps me.

Paul said in God we live and move and have our being.  (Acts 17)