Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Scripture: Shared by body of Christ

Amos 3:7 ... Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.

Exhortation:  (Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet)

God often gives me dream to show that which individuals are doing and showing their spiritual condition ... and showing various works of men on this earth.  And I've had multiple dreams showing me acts of God on this earth. 

There have been times when the dream was more than a decade before the act shown in the dream.  I had 3 dreams in the early 1980's, which I didn't iknow what they were showing.  But after the World Trade Center was attacked and when I saw the TV pictures, I recognized the dreams and I knew God was showing me the destruction of the World Trade Center.

God showed me something HE will do in future in the following dream.  The earth slipped on it's axis.  People were terrified.  The religious leaders and scientists and government leaders were meeting together to see what could be done. It was obvious to me nothing could be done by man.  This was a work of God which man could not stop.  In the dream, a TV newscaster was trying to tell of the happening and he was so terrified he had to stop speaking.  He couldn't give the report because of the terror he felt.  (Usually TV newscasters are so phony as they pretend to feel sorrow over the tragedy they are reporting but in this case, the TV newscaster was genuinely terrified!)

So I know God shows things to come to HIS servants the prophets.  I also think God shows things to come to members of the body of Christ as HE wills and sometimes to people of this world as HE wills.