Thursday, August 20, 2015

Seeking peace as we live on this earth

Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet

Sandra:  Trouble with neighbors not good ... I've made mistakes in this when I was in Clovis. 

Trouble for sake of gospel another matter ...

Trouble for secular things must be dealt with carefully with prayer.


When problem hits, must fall down before God and ask Him for HIS help and HIS wisdom.  What does HE want you to do?

Romans 12:18 If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.

- The fence ... what would your relationship with neighbor and his family have been had you gone to him when he started to build fence and offered to pay 1/2 of common fence. 

- Water problem ... sounds like you must have put some type of concrete on that side of house to direct water to safe area.  What would relationship with him been like had you done that the minute you saw the problem?

-  Cars and trailer parked in front of your house ... What serious hurt does this do you?  You keep your shutters closed mostly don't you?  There would have been some way you could get to front of mail box.  There had to be opening between cars.

You brought this evil on yourself by failing to deal in godly way with problems.

First sign of problem we need to fall down before God and seek HIS help.  If we do that God might even cause us not to care.  Or God might show us something else to do.

If the problem does not come inside my house, I've learned to leave it alone.  (Sound is the problem that comes inside my house) And even then we still need to fall down before God, humble ourselves.

This is way to peace.

Love, Joan