Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Email to Catholic woman

From Joan Boney / to Betsy

Dream about you last night.

In this dream, there was an overpass, the kind of overpass you see at train tracks which allows people to walk over the tracks and by-pass trains.  You were walking on that overpass and I was standing a few feet from the overpass where you were walking and I saw you.  Then on the other side as you were descending, you fell and were lying on the concrete.  In the background a huge church building with double towers was burning and the fire was wildly out of control.  There was no way that church building would be saved.  It would be completely destroyed by the fire.

In the day of judgment, you will be measured (judged) by what is in the Bible, not by what the Catholic church teaches.

Every time you complain about one person to another person, God hears what you are saying and will judge you by Bible.

You will not be judged by Catholic church doctrine but by Bible.

All persons will be judged by God by Bible for the Bible is the true Word of God.