Saturday, December 13, 2014

When you know it is the will of God, you can endure it.

Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet

Yesterday I had some firewood delivered.  I told the young man that I would stand at the curb beside my house so he could easily recognize my house.  But when I went to the curb, my neighbor across the street had her garage door opened and was standing there.  The firewood man thought he was to deliver the wood to her house so he pulled into her driveway.  I was at the curb watching this.  Then when he tried to back his truck out to come to my house, he had trouble because of traffic on the street and he had to wait until 3 or 4 cars passed before he could back out.

The women who lives in that house became very annoyed and she walked to the street and put her hands palm up in gesture to say, "What is going on?"  I answered her by making the same gesture for I didn't know what was going on.   She was very annoyed with me.  (abnormally so)

She took great resentment toward me over the situation.

But I had done nothing to cause this.  The man simply went to the wrong house.

I was really grieved over this.  I asked God to help me.  This morning I had what I needed from God.

This woman hates me over an event that happened about 6 years ago and she will not speak to me.  I tried to apologize to her when the situation happened years ago and she said she was not at all interested in hearing what I had to say and she hung up the phone.  She was very hostile toward me at the time and she continues to be very hostile. I'm sorry it is this way and it grieves me.

But one thing I keep forgetting concerning this situation and God reminded me of it this morning.  HE separated me from this woman.  The event that caused the problem was over our mail delivery.  She had told me she was afraid to mail a letter from the mail box in front of her house because there had been so much misdelivery of mail in our neighborhood.  I was also having problems with mail delivery.  I wrote to postmaster calling this to his attention.  I mentioned my neighbor was also having trouble.  Then as I was writing this I heard (I believe from Holy Spirit) to put this woman's name in my letter saying she also was having trouble.  I did this and sent her copy.  She was furious with me for using her name, she said "without her permission", yet this is exactly what she told me in her complaint against the post office.  I replied to her,  "I didn't know I needed your permission to speak the truth.".    And since that time she will not speak to me.  I came to believe it was God removing her from me for she was nothing but trouble to me and grief and her anger toward me removed her from my life.  After I remembered it was God who removed her, all grief I had felt last night left.  And I rejoiced that God had protected me from her for the past 10+ years!  For she would have been a constant problem.

Later I was reading Jn. 19 ... 1Then Pilate therefore took Jesus, and scourged him. 2And the soldiers platted a crown of thorns, and put it on his head, and they put on him a purple robe, 3And said, Hail, King of the Jews! and they smote him with their hands.

Jesus calmly took this abuse because HE knew it was the will of God for HIM to go through this.

And I realized the following:  When you know it is the will of God you can endure it.