Thursday, December 26, 2013

Doing the will of God from the heart

Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet

In Eph. 6:6, Paul speaks of "doing the will of God from the heart."

Some people try to do scripture from the head.  They read chapters such as Luke 6 and make out a list and say they have to do these things.  When I read Luke 6, I am amazed for I know I can't do all the things listed in this chapter.  But when the Holy Spirit shows me to do one of these things, then I am empowered to do such.

Doing things "from the heart" is so different from doing things because you think you have to do these things but you really don't want to do such.

There is a woman here who has cancer and is dying.  I've never liked this woman.  But when I heard of her current condition I really wanted to try to ease her suffering if possible.  Daily she forces herself to get out of bed and she sits all day in her chair.  (basically having nothing to do)  She is very computer literate.  I sent her a letter and told her about the blog and told her maybe it would be helpful to her.  I did this not because I had to do it but because it was in my heart to do it.  I just thought of the help it could be to someone who was helpless.