Thursday, December 5, 2013

Allowing the Word of God to help us

Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet

When meditating in the Word of God it is very important to be courageous enough so you can face the scripture honestly and not just skim over the verse.

Recently the following scripture caught my attention.

Psa. 17:4 ... Concerning the works of men, by the word of thy lips I have kept me from the paths of the destroyer.

I thought about some of the ways God spared me by giving me information.


God gave me 2 dreams about one of my cousins.  In one dream, I needed to get out of my house but I couldn't go through her house to get out.  It wouldn't work.  After my mother died, this cousin wanted me to move where she lives.  Both of her adult aged sons live there and her husband is still living.  She said how "helpful" the boys could be to us.  And her husband is the kind of man who is very good at helping in physical ways.  But I had been shown in that dream that I couldn't go through her house.  So I didn't consider moving to the city where she lives.  I ended up going to a city the opposite direction.

Another dream about this cousin:  I was at her house and she was blaming me for spilling something on her carpet under her table.  I tried to explain I hadn't been in that room.  But she wouldn't listen me to.  There was another woman with her and she just kept complaining about me.  It isn't going to work for me to try to talk to this cousin.

There is woman who often complains to me about other people when she sees me.  Example:  She was cleaning out refrigerator at bridge center and no one offered to help her.  She was taking out garbage and another bridge player walked past her and spoke but never offered to help her.  I heard one word which I knew to be from God concerning this woman to describe her:  "self righteous"  By hearing this word, I am more guarded in speaking to her for she is going to consider herself to be righteous in what she does.  It will do no good to correct her.

I am greatly influenced by various dreams and words that I hear such as above examples.  And I know these keep me from going in another way concerning these people.