Thursday, July 11, 2013

Scripture: Shared by body of Christ

2 Timothy 2:19 ... Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

Exhortation:  (Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet)

I Cor. 15:33 ... Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.

There are many people with whom I cannot talk.  There are relatives, people who say they are Christians, people who say they are ministers of Jesus, with whom I cannot talk They pull me down.  They are like thorns and thistles.  If you pick up the phone and they talk, their words pull you down.  Their emails pull you down.  Their communications work an evil in your life and such communications will corrupt you.

If you go near them, they will puncture you.  For they are thorns and thistles.  They are corrupt trees bearing bad fruit though they say they are of God.  Their fruit shows what they are.

Paul says:  "Be not deceived" ...

So I just do not answer my phone when they call.  (I have caller ID which tells me the name of the caller.)  

Most ministers today are not Christians.  Most church goers today are not really Christian.  

A Christian has the Spirit of God.  A Christian understands when we speak.  A Christian loves the word of God above all and hears from God by His Spirit and corrects his way by that which God speaks to him by His Spirit.

Most join a church and want to be a Christian but God has not revealed Himself to them, they do not have the Spirit of God in them.

Most are that way today.

I hear from many pastors by email.  They tell of their many "good" works.  They need money because God is not leading them.  If God was leading them they would not need money for if the Lord is our shepherd there is no want.  The Lord leads us into green pastures.  They have those needs because they have gone out to do their many works by their own thinking with being told by the Spirit of God to do those works.  They read a scripture telling them to go into all the world so they try to do it.  But they do not hear this by the Spirit of God so there is always a lack of money to do all they try to do.  When God sends you, HE goes before you and makes the way and there is no lack and you do not have to depend on man.

It is the same thing with their followers.  They often learn many scripture but since they do not have the Spirit of God in them they use the scripture and go the wrong way.

It is only when you are lead of God by His Spirit that you are sons of God.  Romans 8

Only God by HIS own will can give you HIS Spirit.

Isaiah said:  Isaiah 1:9 ... Except the LORD of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah. 

But God has left us a very small remnant today ...  These writings we do are for that very small remnant.  And they will rejoice when they read what we write.  It will be to them a cool drink of water in a very dry land.  And they understand what we say for they, like us, are taught by God.

We are looking for that remnant now because the bridegroom is coming and the world and the church world is exceedingly wicked today, not having the Spirit of God.

The messages we write should be like that voice that says:  Behold the bridegroom cometh.  Go ye out to meet him.  Mt. 25

We can't give oil to the others.  They have to go to HIM who sells and buy for their own lamps.  The one who sells oil is God only.

And soon the ones who see go in and the door is shut.  Mt. 25