Monday, July 1, 2013

Delivered by destruction

Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet

In 1980, God spoke the call letters of a radio station and within a week I was on radio.  Within a few months I was on radio in about 14 cities from coast to coast in USA.  I received thousands of communications per month from radio audience.

In 1981, I had the following dream:  There was an established piece of land.  I saw it as a piece of land extending out into the ocean.  All of a sudden, one piece broke and slid into the ocean.  Then another went, then another, then another ... and I heard these words ... "It will be all right through January, but in February it will break loose."

I reported this dream on my radio broadcasts.  February came and went and we did not see this happening.
Hundreds of people left me.  I was called a false prophet by many.

There is just one thing none of us caught at the time about this dream:  I heard the month, but I did not hear the year.  We assumed it would happen in February of 1982 and we expected it to happen then.

At the time, it was very difficult for me.  But evenually I realized the fact that I did not hear the year this would happen.

During the next 30 years, I became almost invisible in the ministry.  I still had contact with a few of the radio audience which was spread from NYC to Seattle.  I communicate by writing material sent by US mail ... and I made recordings on CD's and distributed them to the former radio audience.

Then in March, 2012, I had a dream which caused me to go on Internet and do these writings.  And the messages go all over the world instantly on the World Wide Web.

I still look for the events of the dream of the February vision to happen, and often I approach the month of February wondering if this will be the year it happens.

But overall, the reporting of that dream in 1981-82 caused me to be delivered from the "big-time-ministry".  I became free.  And today I am very grateful this happened.  It was very difficult at the time.