Friday, May 24, 2013

Need for church in end time

Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet

Jesus said, in the end time, a main problem would be religious deception.  Men would come saying "Jesus is Lord" and because they come saying this many will be deceived by them.  Mt. 24

Also religious thinking carried by Satan will come as "inspired thoughts" ... an "angel of light" ...

So what does the church really need?

In every case, we who belong to God need to be sure we are praying constantly, talking to God throughout the day, committing everything to God in prayer.

And we need to have our faith in God and not in ourselves.

Some people put their faith in scripture and in what they can come up with from their own minds.

Jesus spoke of this:  Jn. 5 ... (You) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. 40And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life.

When I have a problem, I do not look for a scripture.  I do not read the Bible.  I turn to God in prayer when I have a problem.

A diligence in talking with God when we have problem and talking to God when we do not have problem is going to be important. 

And keeping faith in God is important.

I read the Bible daily.  I read from Genesis through Revelation over and over.

The Bible is black and white print.  God is Spirit.  For our flesh it might be easier to connect with black and white than with Spirit.  But we must connect with Spirit.  This is the only way we can have the strength needed.