Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet

We cannot allow the world to overcome.

Here is an example:

I wrote lawn service today to ask them to fill in a hole.  I mentioned their work has been good.

I received a reply saying next week they will send someone to fill in the hole.  And then the lawn service said:  "Check "like" on facebook."

I have told this woman before that we do not do facebook.

I prayed about what to do and I wrote her the following ..."We do not do facebook ...Please stop asking us to check 'like'. We just want lawn service.  Thanks,  Joan Boney"

As soon as I wrote this, I felt peace again.  The world was no longer ruling.  I was ruling.


Yesterday, I was telling my cleaning woman about going to doctor.  I told her doctor wanted me to take tetanus shot.  Then he offered diphtheria shot.  (It's been years since I have even heard the word "diphtheria".)  He also offered blood test to see if I have cancer.  (No sign of cancer problem but he offered it anyway.) I declined these shots he offered and blood test.  I even declined flu shots which many people take.  But this doctor's own nurse, who also offered flu shot to me, said she doesn't take flu shot.  I found same thing in the rehab hospital a few years ago when they offered me flu shot.  None of the nurses I asked took flu shot.  (I told doctor this.)

After I told cleaning woman these things, she said:  "Sounds like you're the doctor." 

Doctors rule over most people and people often look at their doctors as a gods of some kind.  I think it likely this cleaning woman is this way.

I felt badly that I shared this with her.  But then when I tested that spirit that was coming to make me feel I had done wrong by sharing this, I found that spirit was not of God.  That spirit was accusing me for speaking truth.

Spirit of truth speaks truth ... Devil covers up and tries to appease humans.

We who are of God have of the Spirit of Truth, Holy Spirit, in us.

Is it truth?  Often God has me measure what I say by these words ... "Is it truth?"

The truth we speak will separate us from the world.