Thursday, October 9, 2014

Have a good day ... my response ... girl seemed refreshed and woke up

Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet

Yesterday I went to drive in bank and when teller gave me deposit slip she said, "Have a good day."

My response:  "Only God can cause us to have a good day... Think about it."

She woke up when I said this.  She looked alive.  A big smile came on her face.  She really seemed refreshed by my words. (I was surprised at her reaction ...)

I drove away.


The concept of speaking truth to the world has caused me to have a complete freedom that I never expected.  Now I do not dread going out of my house.  I am completely relaxed when I go out.

We know they are usually going to act like dead people and say "Have a good day" without meaning anything ... but now that I see to speak truth and not go along with their words when I disagree with them, I know God is exalted wherever I go and that makes me very happy ... and those angels in heaven are happy also for few people will speak truth.

Vision:  God gave me an open vision a few days ago of angels in heaven.  They were jumping up and down with joy because someone exalted God and put down the wisdom of man which was being spoken.