Friday, May 27, 2022

πŸ’₯ What is important to us?

After I was born again in 1975, I was invited to attend a very big event in Dallas called The Crystal Charity Ball.  

I owned a small business in American Indians Arts at that time and had many very wealthy customers.  I think one of them put me on the invitation list.

But I had invited my pastor and his wife to come to dinner at my apartment that night.  And nothing was more important to me than this.

When I learned the Crystal Ball was the same night as the dinner with my pastor, I called to cancel the Ball.  The woman in charge said, "But you can't cancel.  We've seated you between Mr. Stanley and Mr. Richard." (owners of Neiman-Marcus)

I said, "Well you'll just have to find someone else to put between Mr. Stanley and Mr. Richard because my pastor is coming to dinner and no one is more important to me than he is."

I was so honored when pastor accepted my invitation to come to dinner at my apartment.
