Tuesday, May 31, 2022

πŸ’₯ 2 Timothy 2:15

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.


Sometimes the Holy Spirit will bring a scripture to our mind.  When that happens we need to stop and look closely at that scripture, doing the instruction given in that verse and comparing scripture with scripture as led by the Spirit.

Other times we will be reading the Bible and a verse will stand out to us.  Focus on that verse for it is a message God wants us to see.

We must handle scripture carefully.  Pray asking God to show us what we need to see in that section of scripture, and do what you see to do, living in that scripture.

I often review the scriptures I have collected which the Holy Spirit has given me in past years.  Sometimes God will show me something I have not seen before, opening my eyes to that verse of scripture.

The scriptures hold antichrist back from our lives and keep us on God's path as we wait patiently for the return of Jesus.
