Saturday, January 25, 2014

A strange help

Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet

Before moving to Lubbock, I had a dream showing me that I was building a new house.  I saw the location in the dream.  When I decided to move to Lubbock and to build a house, I was looking for a lot and I saw a lot that looked like the location in the dream.  I bought the lot and built on the lot.

One might think when God shows us something to do it is then clear sailing ... no trouble ... But that may not be the case.

After the house was built and I had been living in it for 2 or 3 years, they built a new Wal-mart a mile down the road.  I was very glad to have a Wal-mart so close to my location.

Then they opened up the road to the side of my house and it ran behind the new Wal-mart and the traffic began bumper to bumper down the road at the side of my house.  One neighbor put his house up for sale because of this traffic.

I didn't ask God to do any specific thing.  I just asked God to help me.  I didn't tell God how to help me.

A couple more years passed.

This past week, I noticed a change in the traffic.  I had no idea what happened but the number of cars on the street beside my house had reduced dramatically.  Later that day, I went out to get my food and noticed they have put 30 MPH signs all the way down the street beside my house.  It seems the reduction in speed limit caused many people to choose another route.  I would never have thought of that helping.

In every problem, God helps us.  We may not know how we can be helped but there is a help for us and it is in prayer and in God who cares for us, HIS children.