Tuesday, October 8, 2013

When things seem worse, look to this.

Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet

I have a 20 year old car.  There are several things wrong with car.  To keep car or have it repaired.  This past week I went to look at new cars.  I ended up longing for a new car of the 70's ... and it even caused me to become a little depressed.  Then I heard a word from the Spirit of God that greatly helped me.

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever... Heb. 13:8

Man invents things which seem to improve living.  Then man takes those things and tries to make them even greater.  Then it becomes superfluous and ends up seeming like something when it is really foolishness.

But Jesus Christ is the same ... Jesus Christ is that perfection that some of us long for.  HE was perfect before the creation of the heaven and earth.  HE was perfect when HE appeared in the flesh. HE is perfect now, seated at the right hand of God where HE continually intercedes for us.  HIS Spirit in us is perfect.  The word carried to us by HIS Spirit is perfect.

So that perfection that we long for is in Jesus, THE WORD.

Everything else changes.  Maybe for the better at first only to dip downward and frustrate us.

When we think things aren't made like they used to be, we can change things around by looking at THE WORD wherein lies true perfection.  Start by considering the last scripture that was called to your mind by the Spirit of God and look into that scripture considering exactly what God is saying to you.  For that never fails and is perfection for us and will not deteriorate nor go bad.