Thursday, October 31, 2013

My greatest joys

Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet

My greatest joy is when God gives me a word by HIS Spirit.

My second greatest joy is when God allows me to see HIS working on my behalf.

I have a remarkable story which happened Monday of this current week.

A man from Chicago was doing some video work for me.  He spent the night at my home before going to his other Texas client the next day in Houston.

When he came down from his room the morning he was leaving for Houston, he said to me:  "I awoke this morning with an idea of how to help your sound on satellite and I want to go into the theater room immediately and try something."  I was fixing breakfast and told him to go ahead while I finished preparing the food.

This man seems dead as a doornail ... I don't believe he is Christian.  And I had no leading at all to share anything of God with him.

He did what he awoke thinking of which involved changing cables from HDMI to coaxil from satellite to my sound processor.  I was amazed at how much this helped the sound on satellite.  I was thrilled!  (This man isn't even a sound man.  He is strictly video. But Monday as he was working with video I told him I didn't like the sound I was getting on satellite.)

He kept saying that he just awoke thinking of this issue and how the sound could be helped by changing the interconnects!  

I marveled at how much it helped and how it was an answer to a sound problem.

I knew it was God giving this man this idea!  

God knows how much I enjoy sound and what it means to me.

I have an understanding that even if we benefit only five minutes over something secular, God is delighted.