Wednesday, February 28, 2024

πŸ’₯ The effectual, fervant prayer of a righteous man availeth much. James 5:16

Comments by Joan Boney:

To me, "effectual", is a prayer that is according to the will of God for when that is the case we know God hears us.  It is "legal" based on scripture and especially upon the will of God.

I John 5:14-15  And this is the confidence that we have in HIM, that, if we ask any thing according to HIS will, HE heareth us:

15  And if we know that HE hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of HIM.

The will of God:

In 2018, I fell at my house in Texas and broke my left hip a second time and very badly dislocated my left wrist.  As I was lying on a tile floor where I fell, I tried to roll on my unbroken hip.  It was terribly painful, and when I tried to crawl to place where a phone was located, I didn't think I could do it.  

Then the Holy Spirit spoke this to my mind, "You can do this."  Because of that word I knew I could do this thing, and I began inching my way down the hall where I had fallen.

I reached a Kindle tablet which was under a table charging.  I was almost unconscious.  I did manage to send e-mail to our church group:  "Fallen ... need help."

Pam Padgett in Colorado received the email and called the police department in Lubbock, Texas, getting them to send help.

As the ambulance workers were rolling me on a gurney past the front door of my house in Texas, the Holy Spirit spoke these words to me:  "You'll never see this house again."

I put the Texas house up for sale and when I was released from the hospital I moved directly from hospital to Colorado, where God had shown me to live in the home of Pam Padgett.  

At that exact point in time, Pam was converting a downstairs room into a bedroom and changing the downstairs 1/2 bath into a full bath.  This was finished on January, 2019.  I moved into that downstairs bedroom a month later, February, 2019.

The house in Texas was still for-sale.

Month after month passed with the house still for-sale.  I often prayed that God would cause the right people to see the house.

How did I know it was the will of God for me to pray this?  I knew because in 2018 the Holy Spirit told me, "You'll never see this house again."

This word from God by the Holy Spirit equipped me to pray an "effectual" prayer.

Often I would pray, "You told me I would never see that house in Texas again.  Therefore I know it is your will that the house sell.  Please send a buyer."

The house sold in June, 2020.


Another example of "effectual" prayer:

In September 2022, Pam Padgett was diagnosed to have a very advanced bladder cancer.  The main doctor said she would live only a year or two unless she had chemotherapy and bladder removal.  Pam didn't object to chemotherapy but she prayed asking God to spare her the bladder removal.  Then she had radiation called to her attention from a printed statement from American cancer association saying, a combination of radiation with chemotherapy may be as effective in dealing with this type cancer as chemotherapy followed by surgery.  When Pam approached the surgeon, that doctor didn't think Pam was a good candidate for this treatment.  The other doctors were also against radiation in Pam's case.

One doctor asked Pam if she was a Christian and he said he, too, was Christian.  Pam told him she had prayed and this was brought to her attention.  That doctor asked Pam if she had "peace" about making this change.  She told him she did.  He then said he would change the chemo to the type they used with radiation.  She had already had 3 treatments of the type they used expecting to perform surgery.

God gave me an open vision of what I thought to be Pam's cancer.  In the vision, I saw a big mass of 3 lumps and all of a sudden I heard a loud "swishing" noise and the mass fell in on itself and completely vanished.

God also gave me the following scripture:

James 1:17  Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

This scripture was my "legal" basis for that which I prayed:

I said to God, "YOU are not going to put me to live at Pam's house and then allow her to be killed.  There is no variableness nor shadow of turning with YOU.  YOU put me here.  YOU will not turn from this.  It is scripturally illegal to allow Pam to be killed after YOU put me here."

The chemo-radiation treatments finished in early 2023.

In April, 2023, the follow up cancer test were done.  The cancer was gone!

About 4 months later, another series of tests showed ... no cancer!

This week another set of cancer tests showed no cancer!


"Fervent prayer" ... is a "red hot" prayer.

The most fervent person is YOU in a time of need.  

Some have no faith.  So they turn to a preacher where they think he or she has faith.  BUT IS HE FERVENT?

So you pray.  effectual & fervent according to the will of God.
