Monday, September 15, 2014

When change comes

Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet

For several years, the same woman has been cleaning my teeth.  She never pricks my gums.  She never hurts me. (Everyone who ever cleaned my teeth before her hurt me and for a day or so my gums would be sore after having my teeth cleaned until Stacy started cleaning them and there was never again any pain.)

I just discovered she is no longer working at dentist.

I was very disturbed.

Then I recalled a word God gave Pam recently and this helped:

"people are trying to preserve the way things are now as much as possible ... but all these things we see now are temporary and will be destroyed at the end of the world"

I can turn to God in prayer with this unexpected change and lay out all my concerns before HIM and put my trust in God to show me what to do and this is what I did immediately.