Saturday, September 13, 2014

Matt. 4:10

Pam Padgett - teacher

Matthew 4:10 ... it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

serve - to work for, to obey, to be used by

In all that we do, our consideration should be  ...  "What does God wants me to do ?"

It doesn't matter what any other person thinks of what we do ... whether they think it is good or bad.  All that matters is whether it is what God wants us to do in the situation. 

Neighbors might praise me if I got involved in trying to keep the community golf course property as open as possible.  But God has shown me the futility of trying to keep things of this world from changing, for all of these things are temporary and will be destroyed at the end of the world.  An email was sent yesterday from the group working to preserve the open space of the golf course.  I deleted the email without reading it.  They are going opposite to the way God has shown me.  I want to serve only God. 

We are to serve God in all things, large or small.  Not trying to please ourselves or other people, but to serve only God.