Thursday, September 25, 2014

1Thess. 5:21

Pam Padgett - teacher 

1 Thess. 5:21 Prove all things; ...

- test the accuracy of  (is this according to scripture?  is it true?)
- demonstrate the truth by evidence  (turn to God with the matter; what God gives me is evidence showing truth in the matter)
- establish if genuine and valid ( is the thought from the Holy Spirit or the devil?  try the spirits )

Need to prove all things ...
- thoughts, including scripture brought to my mind (I have to remember that the devil quotes scripture)
- what I hear people say in person or on tv
- doctrines

... hold fast that which is good  (truth, that which is from God).

hold fast:
- believe
- pay attention to
- don't ignore or explain away
- conform my thinking and what I do to what is proven to me by God to be good