Monday, March 17, 2014

Meditation examples

Meditation:  Pam Padgett

Psalm 9:
10 And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.

forsake:  abandon
seek:  go to, ask for something from someone (God)

I thought of various times I have turned to God, asking for help.  Never has God abandoned me.  God has always helped me according to what He knew was best and in His perfect timing. 

Sometimes my prayer has not been answered as I asked (but in a much better way), and sometimes I wanted an immediate resolution but it was God's will to work the matter out later.  But God has always helped me, upholding me, never forsaking me even in the midst of the problem. 

A few of the many times God has helped me when I turned to Him:
-Recently when dealing with the aftermath of major power outages and surges at my house, I turned to God asking for help, and was shown what to do and given the strength to do these things.

-During the last several months I worked at my job, there were many problems and I turned to God asking for help.  During this time, I was given strength to deal honestly at times when the truth about a project's status was being hidden.  After several months, I was delivered from those problems when I was led to leave, retire. when a scripture (Micah 2:10) strongly stood out to me and I asked God to confirm this direction, which I believe He did.

Micah 2:10 ... Arise ye, and depart; for this is not your rest: because it is polluted, it shall destroy you, even with a sore destruction.  

-When I was in college and didn't want to attend a fraternity luau party in which my arranged date would be building a hut "for us", I couldn't find a way to get out of it.  I asked God to give me appendicitis so I couldn't go.  God didn't answer my prayer by giving me appendicitis, but HE did bring so much rain that the luau was flooded out and had to be canceled.  (a complete account of this is in writing titled "Miracle from God")

That God has never forsaken me when I have turned to Him strengthens me to be steadfast in turning to Him with concerns today, knowing He will help me according to His will and purpose.
