Sunday, January 14, 2024

πŸ’₯ From Cathy ...

Cathy Varner, member of the body of Christ
There are several things in my life now that I know God brought to me, sometimes like Barbara said, before we even think we would want it.
For many years I used an old type flip cell phone, very basic and took a long time to write a text. Any time I was asked if I wanted to upgrade, I would say no, I was very content with what I had. Then a few years ago, I suddenly began thinking I might want to have a newer phone that could take pictures and have the GPS system to give you directions on how to get somewhere. So I did get one and am so glad to have those features, especially because I don’t know my way around very well sometimes. It has been so helpful, and I believe God put it into my heart to make this change.
Another thing is God gave me many dreams several years ago in which I was playing piano or taking lessons. It took me awhile to realize this wasn’t just symbolic but that I was being shown to actually take piano lessons. This has been something I’ve enjoyed and would never have considered it had I not had those dreams.

(Comments by Joan Boney:  In 2020, we were test driving various cars after I had sold my house in Texas.  I had money from sale of house in the bank and had a dream showing me that I bought a new car.  I knew God was approving that.  So we began seeing which car we might buy.  Pam had an older Acura MDX and I had a 25 year old Lincoln.  The plan was to sell both cars and put the money with the house money to pay for a new car.  As we left the Acura dealer in the new car for test drive, I heard, "You should drive a Mercedes."  The Mercedes-Benz dealer was directly across from Acura.  I responded, "Oh, yeah." And I completely forgot what I had heard which I believe to be from God and we  bought the Acura.

In previous years, I had broken 7 bones in falls and had one hip broken twice.  Physical pain had become a way of life.  The Acura was a rough riding car and accentuated the pain.  I finally stayed home rather than ride in the Acura.  But we continued to drive the Acura until 2023 until finally we decided to try to find a car built with air-suspension.  Pam checked internet for cars that had air suspension and we began driving them but found many of these were not much better than the Acura.

Finally we got to the Mercedes-Benz dealership.  Two of the lesser priced Mercedes were not much better than the Acura.  The car salesman said, "You are going to have to drive the S Class."  As soon as I sat down in that car, I said, "Now this is a car!"  (It felt like the cars of the 1960's which I had grown up with.  And it rode more like those cars but was even smoother.)  But it was very expensive!  I had the cash from the sale of the house in Texas but I didn't want to spend the money, which was more than $100,000.  We continued to drive other cars.  (Lexus, Cadillac, Lincoln)  But none of these worked for me.  Finally I remembered what I had heard from God in 2020 before we bought the Acura.  "You should drive a Mercedes."  And I awoke.  God was not telling me to test drive a Mercedes but that was the car that would work for me!  And I recalled that many years earlier when I test drove cars and found they were rougher riding than the cars of the 1960's, I prayed "Asking God to have someone build a car for me."  We bought the car.  Driving home we discovered the massage front seats which were also heated!  I had no physical pain after riding in that car.  As I told this to our little church group, Barbara Preston said, "It is like that car was built for you,"  and then I remembered what I had praying a decade or more earlier, asking God to have someone build a car for me at the time I needed a car in future.  (I had driving my previous car 25-years!)

(Continuing with writing from Cathy Varner:) 
Then a couple years ago God put a desire in me to start sledding again. I’d done that when I was younger but hadn’t had an interest in it for many years. That has been a very enjoyable thing for me to do, something fun to do in winter when there’s not a lot to do, especially outdoors.
Comments by John Boney:
I think it is very important to expand those things we enjoy. As it get worse as we draw closer to the end times on this earth, having that which we enjoy can help us to endure, I think. I'm glad to see Cathy doing this. 
Yesterday some of my new high grade HDMI cables came in and Pam hooked up one cable which greatly improved my TV picture. Just one cable made the picture much better.
Sound is far more difficult and costly. But I have taken a big step toward upgrading TV sound because I hear sound so well and it is one of my greatest enjoyments and recently a man came across my path to help me to know what I need concerning TV, DVD, and CD sound production. I had told God that I needed a sound guy and a few weeks later a sound guy was brought to my attention. This man really knows brands of cables that cause good sound to happen!