Friday, September 15, 2023

🎢 Bach Chaconne (unaccompanied violin)

This is one of the most difficult of all the literature written for the violin. It is almost impossible to believe one violin can do all that you will hear on this composition.
Henryk Szeryng was one of the great interpreters of Bach and skilled in every technique to be performed on the violin.
I heard this Bach sonata long before I was born again by God and was added to the church.

This composition, to me, demonstrates, in musical sound, the struggle of the human on this earth and how in the end, after so much struggle, life comes down to one single note, our God, who created this heaven and earth!


Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750)

Partita for Violin Solo No.2 (Chaconne) in d-moll, BWV 1004

1. Allemande
2. Courante
3. Sarabande 
4. Gigue
5. Chaconne

Henryk Szeryng (violin)


$20 for 3 years
