Saturday, August 16, 2014

When you just know it's the wrong thing to do .... getting control

Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet

I usually live a pretty simple life, not doing very many things.  But recently a couple of problems cropped up dealing with trees at my house.  Before I knew it I was trying to perfect everything around me.  I really knew I was out of control when I awoke one morning with idea that I would go outside and cut the branches that I was able to cut!  (definitely not a good idea since I'm 77 years old and partially crippled from result of an accident and an operation)

We can't make things perfect!  We just need to settle down and recognize we are going wrong way and stop and resettle everything, usually through prayer.  When I did this, it all became very simple.  I have one tree that is hitting house and causing noise.  The yard man is working on that tree.  I called him and told him let's just deal with that one tree and leave the other trees (which are not causing problem) alone.  And I had already made an appointment with a company that sprays trees to have them come look at some problem trees and to get back on their spray program for evergreens.  So basically everything that is really needed to be done is set up.  I don't need to do any more.  I can't make everything perfect.