Sunday, September 13, 2015

A simple solution

Pam Padgett ... teacher

About a year ago I had a puppy which would often do various things to distract me when I was trying to talk on the telephone or read the Bible or blog.  When I realized what a problem this was to me, I prayed asking God what to do.

By a thought from the Holy Spirit I was shown to get the dog crate which was stored in the basement, set it up, and put the dog in there.  I setup the crate immediately in a room where I often sit yet in an area of the room where it is out of the way.  By putting a treat in the crate, the dog willingly went inside, ate the treat, then laid down and rested until I let her out.

This is such an easy way to deal with the problem!

And when I later got another puppy, I simply got another crate and he, also, usually goes into the crate quite willingly.  There is even plenty of room to put this second crate so it also is out of the way.

This morning Joan and I were talking on the phone and one of the dogs was barking trying to get the other dog to play.  I walked to where the crates are, put a treat inside, and each dog went inside a crate and quietly laid down.

Seeing this I again marveled in the amazingly simple solution God gave me for this problem and was thankful to Him for this.