Saturday, October 10, 2015

What do you treasure?

Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet

Mt. 12 ... 35 A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things:and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.

If we treasure scripture and store up scripture, thinking on scripture and doing what that scripture says daily, we store up scripture in our hearts and it will come forth as we go about on this earth and it will direct our path and sometimes we will share that treasure with other people.

What scripture are you living at this moment?  If you are living a scripture today, that is because you determined to live that scripture and you "practiced" living that scripture, going in that way and deliberately setting aside conflicting ways.

By this action you are doing the following:  33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness;  Mt. 6  We do this daily as we hunt a scripture and spend time thinking about that scripture and as do that instruction.  If we do this daily, we see HIS righteousness daily.  The step we take today, in doing that scripture, leads to the next step.  If we walk daily this way, we will get to place we need to be and "all these things will be added unto us", as promised in Mt. 6:33 ...

Take no thought for tomorrow ... instead exercise yourself to godliness, finding that treasure in your Bible today, digging out that treasure by thinking on what that scripture is saying, and then doing that scripture.

When we have faith to live this way, tomorrow is eliminated for each day we will be where we need to be without fail.  Plans made by humans do fail.  God never fails.  So living daily by these scriptures stores up treasure from God in our hearts.  It is good fruit stored in our hearts.