Sunday, February 20, 2022

πŸ’₯ John 1:4 In HIM (The Word, Jesus) was life ...

The Word is our life.  By the Word we are born again.  Then we are "in Christ" (one with The Word) and HE, The Word, is in us. 

By The Word, which is Jesus, we know what to do on this earth.

By the Word which came to my mind by the Holy Spirit who lives in me:

* 2018, I knew I would never see that house in Texas as they took me to hospital after an accident.

* I knew to begin writing a blog (March 2012), exhorting the church ... given dream from God.

* I knew to begin recording Podcasts (February 2020) given dream from God.

* 2020, I knew to buy a new car instead of having my 25-year old car re-upholstered. Holy Spirit spoke this to me and God gave me dream concerning this word brought by Holy Spirit.

The WORD came to me in each situation to tell me what to do.

Acts 17:28  For in HIM  (The Word)  we live, and move, and have our being;
