Friday, February 4, 2022

πŸ’₯ Do you have a job that you hate?


God can help you with this problem.

In 1985, Pam Padgett had graduated from college but didn't know what she wanted to do concerning earning a living.  

She took a job as secretary at a bank and enjoyed her work for about 2 years but then she found she was becoming bored.

Pam asked God to help her to find a type of work she would enjoy doing.

Pam's boss at the bank asked Pam if she would try to use 2 computers which had been given to their department to do her work.  

Pam said she would be happy to try, though she had little experience using a computer before this time.

Pam asked her boss if she could take a night course at the local community college.  They looked at the offerings and decided she should enroll in a course called "Basic".

At the first class, the teacher explained this was a course in computer programming using the programming language, "Basic".

Pam decided to go ahead and stay for the lecture although it was really a course in computer programming.

After she left the class, on the way home, she was so excited and was talking to God and said:  "This is it!  This is what I want to do.  Computer programming!"

Pam continued studying computer programming and took a job at a small software firm.  When there was a decline in their business, she was told she may be laid off.  

She prayed about what to do and felt she needed to be instructed on Interview techniques.  So she enrolled in a class in this.  The instructor of the class told her of a job opening at Fed Ex for entry level computer programmers. 

She applied at Fed Ex and went for an interview and one of the managers was interested in Pam and he hired her.

Pam spent the next 23 years as a computer programmer at Fed Ex and worked there until she retired.

God knows how to reach you with the information you need concerning your life.  Just ask God.  Talk it over in prayer with God.  Trust God to guide you.

Matthew 11  (Jesus says)

28 Come unto ME, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

29 Take MY yoke upon you, and learn of ME; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

30 For MY yoke is easy, and MY burden is light.
