Saturday, January 17, 2015

Isaiah 26:3

Isaiah 26:3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

Comments by Pam Padgett

One way our minds are stayed on God is by continually turning to Him with what we face in our lives, trusting Him to know the best way for us to go and to be able to reach us to lead us in this way. 

And when we are shown what to do, God is able to keep us in peace as we go in the way we are shown. 

A few days ago one of my cats, which had had a head cold for about a week, stopped eating and was hiding under a bed rather than acting as she usually did.  This really concerned me and there was some panic as well.  But then I turned to God asking what I should do.  Should I take the cat to the vet or was there something I should do here at home to help her? 

After praying, my attention kept being drawn to how cold it was outside.  Going to a vet is very stressful for the cat in the best circumstances, and she would have the added stress of being in the cold going between the car and the vet's building.  I believed I was being shown to not put the cat through this stress, so I didn't take the cat to the vet.

A couple times thoughts came that I was wrong in not taking the cat to the vet.  But each time I turned to God, I was reminded again of the cold outside and stress for the cat.  Continuing to turn to God, I was kept in peace in not taking the cat to the vet in this situation. 

And I had the idea to put a little food in a bowl and slide it under the bed where the cat was hiding, and to offer her a few choices of food to see what seemed to work best.  By the second day the cat was coming out from under the bed, and eating a little more.  By yesterday, she was no longer hiding and was eating the normal amount of food.