Thursday, January 29, 2015

Hearing from God to do exhortations from Psalms

Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet

Recently I got a new TV and spent a lot of time tuning the picture.  I said to God:  "I don't want to do TV.  I want to do Bible."

I had a gentle thought, "Psalms".

The next day, again I was refining the TV picture and again I said to God:  "I don't want to do more TV.  I want to do Bible."

Again I was reminded:  "Psalms"

After that second word, I began writing the various promises of God to the Church that are presented in Psalms. 

When I started this, I had no idea at all that I was going to do exhortations on these verses. (I just thought I was going to print those verses in Psalms.) 

Then at one point I asked Pam to write something that had happened to her as an example for one of the Psalms.  Also the Holy Spirit was greatly expanding the writings as I wrote.  It got bigger and bigger.  I really didn't expect it to evolve this way.

It all reminds me of a recent dream:  In the dream, I was involved in a project and it got bigger and bigger.  I had no idea it was going to get so big.  I was in the right place at the right time to do this work and I had the right people working with me. 

As I began writing the various verses and doing exhortations on each of the promises, I remembered something my favorite aunt said to me before she died.  She had asked the teacher at her church to do teachings on the Book of Psalms.  He said to her, "That would take too much time."  She thought, "What difference did it make how much time it took?"

My aunt would have greatly enjoyed these exhortations on Psalms.  That makes me very happy to think of this.

But I love getting to do these.  Nothing could please me more.  I'm so grateful to God that I can do these.

And it builds me up in the faith as I know it will also build each of you who belong to God up in things of God.

It is like a fine banquet.  Enjoy!