Friday, January 30, 2015

Helped by God when blocked from seeing what to do

Pam Padgettteacher

I needed to have a door and a light replaced in my house and arranged for a small handyman business to do this work.  Yesterday a man from the business told me he thought they would be able to do the work today but that he needed to check the schedule later and let me know for sure.  Since I planned to be home today, it was fine with me to not know until later whether they would come, and I didn't even notice that he hadn't called yesterday. 

However, late last night one of my cats got sick.  She's an older cat I was very concerned and started considering what I should do and prayed asking God to help me.  I felt that the cat needed to be seen by a vet today.  But then I remembered that I hadn't heard back from the handyman.  I felt blocked from making a vet appointment until the handyman called me, and even asked God to have him call early today so I could make the vet appointment. 

Then a thought came (from the Holy Spirit) that I didn't need to wait on the handyman to call, but I could call him first thing in the morning.  Of course!  This was so simple and much better than what I had asked.  I had been blocked by what the man said he would do (that he would call me) ... but God was able to get through the blockage and show me how to handle this. 

This morning first thing I called the handyman business and the vet.  A handyman was able to come today at a time when he could finish the work in plenty of time for me to get the cat to the vet appointment. 

When I called the handyman today, the brother of the man I had previously talked with returned my call and also came to do the work.  They work together in the handyman business.  This man said his brother had become ill yesterday afternoon.  I think this is why he had not called yesterday as he said he would, and he probably wouldn't have called today even if I had waited for his call.

As we face various issues and matters, we can sometimes see only one option based on what someone has said, something that has happened in the past, or how we've dealt with a similar matter in the past.  It seems that we need to go in that way.

But God knows and is able to lead us in the best way as we turn to Him and lay our concerns out before Him.