Monday, November 10, 2014

Shown way of peace by God

Pam Padgett - teacher

Rom. 14:19 Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, ...

There have been times when I have not been in peace in some area of my life and didn't know what to do about it.  But when I have turned to God and asked Him to help me and waited until I was shown what to do by God, the way given to me led to peace. 

My young dog sometimes very actively seeks my attention, jumping on me or starting to chew on something she shouldn't.  This most often happens when I'm talking on the telephone.  One day several weeks ago it was drawn to my attention that this was a real problem for me, distracting me and keeping me from doing what I needed to do in peace. 

I turned to God asking for help with this, and was reminded of a large dog crate I have.  I immediately got the crate from the basement and set it up.  The next time the dog tried to distract me from what I needed to do, I put her in the crate and gave her a treat.  She laid down and seemed very content until I finished what I was doing and let her out.  It was amazing to me how easy this was to do and how well it worked.  I've left the crate setup and have used it several times with no problems at all.  The dog seems to like the crate, even choosing to go into it on her own just to rest. 

And, most importantly, I am able to deal with what I need to do in peace. 


Another example was several years ago when I was still working.  I had installed a dog door in the side garage door that led to a fenced yard.  While I was at work my two dogs could freely go between the garage and the yard.  At the time I thought it was critical for the dogs to have free access to go outside.  This caused a problem, however, because the dogs sometimes barked when outside, bothering one of the neighbors.  I tried various things to train the dogs not to bark, but nothing worked.  There seemed no way to live in peace with the dogs and the neighbors, and I prayed asking God to help me. 

One Saturday I was home all day and the dogs were inside the house with me.  The Holy Spirit drew my attention to the fact that the dogs had been sleeping for most of the day without even wanting to go outside.  This clearly showed me that the idea I had that the dogs needed to have free access to go outside throughout the day was not correct.  The dogs could easily stay in the garage while I was at work, and I could let them outside for a while when I came home for lunch, then they could stay in the garage until I got home in the evening.

This plan brought much more peace with the neighbors.  In addition, I was surprised to see that the dogs were much calmer when I got home in the evenings, bringing more peace for me as well.