It is "the Word" that we follow in all things pertaining to this present life.
The Word comes down from heaven through the Bible as the Holy Spirit draws our attention to specific scripture.
The Word is often spoken directly by God to the individual as a decision of this life is needed.
The Word is the way to go in the matter at hand.
John 14
2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
4 And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.
5 Thomas saith unto HIM, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?
6 Jesus saith unto him, I (the Word) am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by ME.
I have often had God speak the Word to me as I was considering what I should do.
* 2020: I was thinking of putting new upholstery on my 1994 car, when "the Word" came into my mind as follows: "Or you could just buy a new car."
had never entered my mind, but I could buy a new car. I had just sold
my house in Texas and the money was in my bank account from the sale of
the house. There was plenty of money to buy a new car. "Is God showing me a better way to go?" That
same night, I had a dream: I bought a new car. (To me that dream
confirmed the way of God for me in the issue. The way of God is all
that matters. I was 81 years old at that time. It was also
confirmation to me that I would not need that car money in the future.)
January 10, 1980: I was asleep in the night when a very loud trumpet
like voice (an angel of God) spoke 3 words into my ear: "Hartford, Seattle, KWJS"
jumped out of bed and wrote these 3 words on a notepad beside my bed. I
didn't want to get KWJS mixed up because the letters seemed to me to be
call letters to either radio or television.
It turned out to be radio. I said to God, "Are YOU telling me to go on radio? I wouldn't know how to do that."
Immediately God brought this information to my mind: "Call the radio station manager."
That same morning I called station KWJS and asked to speak to the station manager. I told him this, "God might be showing me to go on radio. How would you do that?"
The station manager said: "Make an audition tape 29 1/2 minutes long and if you fit our broadcasting we will offer you a contract."
made the audition recording as soon as I got off the phone and mailed
the tape that same morning to the station manager. Within 5 days, I was
broadcasting exhortations for the church on radio. I knew God had been
preparing me for the ministry for the previous 5 years but I had no
thought prior to this concerning a ministry on radio.
1980: Dream ... God showed me I was in danger if I went out as I had
been doing to have meetings for the radio audiences in cities around the
USA and at the end of the dream, I heard these words from God: "Don't go until you see Exodus 15." Immediately
I cancelled all meetings that were scheduled for that year. A board
member said, "You must go out. If you go out they will give money." I
replied, "God said, 'Don't Go', I'm not going."
have been many other times God has led me by a dream, or by a Word
brought directly to my mind by the Holy Spirit. I know several other
church people who have also been led this way by God.
God leads by causing a verse of scripture to stands out while we are
reading the Bible or by a verse of scripture brought to mind by the Holy
that happens, God is giving us a special message showing us what to do
so we need to do that instruction at that point in time and focus on
that Word given by God ... and continue in That Word for a season.
everything issue where we have a question, we ask God and also we check
the Bible to see what the Word says in the scriptures.
What does the New Testament Bible tells us about this subject?
We line our actions and thinking up to that which the Word says.
* Divorce/remarriage: What does the NT Bible say?
* Adultery: What does the NT Bible say?
* Fornication: What does the NT Bible say?
* Homosexuals/lesbians: What does the NT Bible say?
* Drunkenness: What does the NT Bible say?
In all things, we go by that which "the Word" says.
John 1
2 The same was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made by HIM; and without HIM was not any thing made that was made.
4 In HIM was life; and the life was the light of men.