Tuesday, June 13, 2023

πŸ’₯ Asking God for help.

Barbara Preston, member of the body of Christ
A couple of days ago my husband and I were ready to walk out the door so I could drive him to a doctor’s appointment he had when he said … ”Where’s my wallet?”
He had already looked in the place he normally keeps it and it wasn’t there. I started looking for it too and started praying, asking God to please help us find it, but neither one of us could find it. 
By this time we knew we were going to be late for his doctor’s appointment so he called the office and explained what had happened. Since he had never seen this doctor before they needed to see a couple of things, before the doctor would see him, including his insurance card, which we didn’t have because it was in his wallet. 
So we got the appointment rescheduled for early this coming week and continued looking again for his wallet and I started praying again. 
We looked every place we could think to look. He said the last place he remembered having it was at a Staples store and it was in his back pocket when he left the store. 
We really needed to find it. We looked some more and throughout doing this, I just kept praying for God to help us. I told God I knew that HE knew where it was and told HIM how much we needed to find it. I just kept beseeching God to lead us to it, to let us find it.  (Pam Padgett ... Many times I have asked God to help me find something and am always calmed when I consider that God knows where the object is and that HE knows how to lead me in finding it.  I simply need to follow HIS leading by the Holy Spirit.)
Ed had already checked the interior of his car and said it wasn’t there. It wasn’t found in my car either.
So I decided to search in his car again.  (JB ...God was leading Barbara, showing her where the item was ... in the husband's car) And I am continuing to pray as I do this, asking God to please, please help us find his wallet. 
As I approached his side of the car, I opened the door and looked on the car floor in front of the driver’s seat and THERE IT WAS!
I was so happy and excited and grateful. I went back inside and told Ed that I had found it. 

Not long after this happened, I was reminded of the following passage of scripture and I realized that this is what I had been doing as I kept fervently turning to God in prayer over this wallet. 
Luke 18:1  And HE spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint; 
After this happened, I shared this story and this passage of scripture with Edward so he would know that it was God Who did this for us and not me.  