Tuesday, July 24, 2018


I want to get scripture more deeply inside me and I know we can do that by meditating throughout the day on key scriptures. 

You can put scriptures into an email to yourself so when you open your email throughout that day, those scriptures will be there and this will give you more opportunity to think on those scripture and do them.

Joan Boney


Recently I felt sad when I read a woman's email.  I turned to God for help.  God got my attention on the word, "despair."

Winston Churchill wrote in one of his books, that he tried to tell parliament in 1935 that Hitler and Germany were arming themselves in a dangerous way.

Churchill left parliament "in despair" after he spoke.

Despair means:  a lack of hope

Immediately I thought of how God is hope and we who believe in God are never without hope.

I was healed from the grief I had felt that night when I read that woman's email.

Our hope is in God and we always have hope and can safely hope in God.
