Friday, July 13, 2018

Being true to that which you believe God has shown you

Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet

Yesterday a man came to give me a price for tree trimming.  He and his partner appeared at my door.  He was wearing some type of shirt saying, "Jesus is Lord."  Immediately, I told him I am a minister.

After we looked at the property, they came in and sat down and begin to ask questions about church things and where I go to church.

It is very difficult, for I cannot find a church group where I can go, for they break so many teachings that I see in Bible and violate so many things God has shown me.

He told me of one church group he really likes, although he no longer attends that group.

I didn't ask, "Why not?"

Today I decided to call that church group and inquire about their services and give them information about my blog and ask their pastor to look at the work I do in ministry and if he thought I might fit he could tell me and I would visit his church group.

I found their phone number.  There was a recorded message giving the times they meet.  On the message it said:  9 a.m   The Lord's Supper.

I hung up the phone.

I knew they think The Lord's Supper is the partaking of grape juice and crackers.

I believe God has shown me The Lord's Supper is the eating and drinking of the word of God in a proper manner, applying that Word of God to my life.

I could not go there when our doctrines conflict so obviously.

We have to be true to that which we believe God has shown us.


The landscaper told me he thought much evil was in the churches and in that which they taught.

I invited him, his wife, his partner to come to my house any time and we could sit down together and share that which God had shown us.

He showed no interest in doing this.
