Tuesday, April 24, 2018

E-mail from man who wants to be partner

Dear Brother in Christ,

Greetings in Christ Jesus!

I am a Filipino Native Pastor here in Philippines, I am doing church planting among the tribal people as I am from this tribe. I thank God I found your website and learn about your ministry and I am glad to have your email address. I trust God has a purpose to communicate you as I am praying and looking a ministry Partner in my area and I trust God answered my prayers through your ministry. I am willing to work with you and joint in your ministry as Gods permit.

I attached some photo pictures of our mission work to the villages and youth camp and even children ministry, Pastor Earl I hope and pray God will make a way for you to com and minister here I am willing to work with you.

Thank you for your time to read my email and I am hoping to hear from you soon.


Response from Joan Boney

I don't know what you mean when you ask to be "partner."


In the 1980's, after I went on radio exhorting the church, Marilyn Hickey came to me and said I needed to set up a "partner" program where people would give money to me.

It is a way of raising money.

I did set this up for a season, then discontinued it.

Now God has raised up a few (6) people who give to sustain our needs.  I never ask them for money and we have all we need.  These are retired people.  But they always send enough for us to pay for my housing.  We own the house I live in so it is a matter of paying utilities and upkeep.  I do not take a salary but live on my USA social security of $779 per month.

I do not know what these men who write to me mean when they say they want to be a partner.

If I do hear from this man, I will let you know what he means by this.


What always troubles me about the emails from these men who say they are pastors is this.

They always tell of their works, but they never tell anything that they have heard from God.


When I write on this blog, the goal is to tell what God has said to me, what God has taught me.

That is what they should be sharing so we would all learn what God has taught them.

When they say they are a minister of God and fail to tell what God has told them, it makes me think they are likely not of God.


Difference between telling what we have done and telling what God has done or has told us to do:

If I tell you we have approximately 500 page views a day to our blog, this tells you nothing spiritually.  It just presents a fleshly report.  You will not be edified (built up spiritually) by this.

But if I tell you God gave me a dream showing me to start exhorting the church on blog this edifies you to hear the instructions that are from God.  (That God speaks to us to show us what HE wants us to do)  In the dream God gave me, a woman was singing.  I said, "It's a little voice.  But it is a nice little voice."   And in the dream I saw this is a way we can communicate as the church, a blog.  We set up blog immediately and within three days were sharing that which we had heard from God.

Sending picture of the flesh of man is fleshly, not spiritual.  You learn nothing of God.  You learn nothing spoken by God.  It is just flesh, not Spirit, showing flesh of man.

Recently a man asked me if I could help him.  He said he is Catholic and had learned from our blog things Catholic church does not teach.  I told him I would be happy to help him.  Then he said we could set up a video communication by computer.  I told him we do not need video but audio so we could share God by sharing the WORD God would give us.  Video would do nothing to share God.  It would just be flesh.  (I never heard anything more from him.)


In the 1990's, I visited a Baptist church on a Sunday morning.

The pastor opened the service by turning the meeting over to a teenaged boy who was going to show a film about their recent "retreat."  

He spoke nothing about God.

He just showed teenagers being teenagers.  Girls with rollers in hair running about room while boys chased them, flipping their rear ends with rolled up towels.

After the service, I went to pastor and told him when we come together in the church we are to speak and do things that edify the church.

I told him that which was shared by this boy did not edify the church.  It was just fleshly.

Pastor replied, "Well, I liked it."


Concerning the gathering of the church, the apostle Paul said:

I Corinthians 14:26   How is it then, brethren? when ye come together, every one of you hath a psalm, hath a doctrine, hath a tongue, hath a revelation, hath an interpretation. Let all things be done unto edifying.

Edify:  In the church

- to instruct spiritually
- to teach things of God
- uplift, enlighten, inform concerning God and HIS ways
- to cause to be established in the faith


Here is something that should edify you:

Lk. 21:33 ... Jesus says ... Heaven and earth shall pass away: but MY words shall not pass away.

When we really understand God will destroy this current heaven and earth, surely we will be less fixed on this heaven and earth which God will destroy.

But that which God says by HIS Spirit, the Word, will not pass away. It will be forever, through all eternity. A very good investment. Like a field with great treasure which a man sells everything he has in order to obtain that field with all that treasure.


We have been publishing this blog since the dream God gave me showing to present exhortations to the church on a blog: March, 2012

Our email address is printed on the blog giving all individuals opportunity to share that which God has shown them.

I heard from men all over the world who identify themselves as pastors and tell of their works, but no one so far has told me anything God has told them.

Matthew 7:21-23  Jesus says: Not every one that saith unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of MY Father which is in heaven.

Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity.
