Monday, April 16, 2018

Reports: Asking God For Wisdom #19

Barbara Preston ... prophet

Earlier this month I needed to call our insurance company, the one that deals with our prescription coverage. 

I was dreading having to make this call. I had never called them before and I saw a company being this big as a large octopus and could see myself being transferred from one person to another and people being impatient with me making me feel rushed in talking to them. And in the end not getting the information I needed. 

(Dread is always a sign of need for prayer ... "Let your request be made known to God."  Philippians 4 ... request means:  What do you want God to do for you ... This is exactly what Barbara did in this.)

But before I called I talked to God about this and asked Him to please help me to be able to talk with someone who could help me. 

I dialed their number and went through their automated system so my call would be routed to the right person. Then the phone started ringing and someone promptly answered. 

I explained my situation and this young man was so helpful. Answering my questions, assisting me with information I needed with no impatience, being both friendly and polite. 

 God kindly answered my prayer.  Glad I remembered to pray before calling.


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