Saturday, April 14, 2018

Reports: Asking God For Wisdom #18

Cathy Varner ... member of the body of Christ

A couple days ago I was helped when I didn’t even know I needed help. I was on my way to Walmart and was reminded of dry cat food. This was not on my list. I thought about it and couldn’t remember if I had already replaced the other bag. 

I usually buy a big bag of dry food which I keep in a storage room. Then I fill up a smaller plastic container to use in the room where I feed the cat. Usually when I’ve poured out the last of a bag into the container, I put cat food on my grocery list. The last time, I didn’t put it on my list, thinking what was in the container would last a while and that I’d remember to get more when that container was getting low. 

I didn’t remember buying another another bag recently so thought I better go ahead and get some. I was so glad I did for when I got home and checked, there wasn’t another bag there. And I was so low, there was barely enough for another normal feeding. I’d have been so upset to not have gotten some when I was out and now to have to make another trip just for this one item. 

I’m so grateful that God reminded me of this. 

Comments by Joan Boney:

When I read this, I was so happy for God's care of the animals.

Some stray cats came to my house.  When I couldn't get help for the cats without  killing them, I decided I could keep them and feed them.  

I gave the cats the same food I feed my indoor cats, no scrimping with cheaper cat food.

One day as I was feeding them, I heard from God:  "You care for these cats the same way I care for you ..."   the finest of the "wheat".

The last time I went to Costco to pick up several 48 can boxes of the meat I feel the cats, at check out 3 women noticed all the boxes of cat food in my basket.  I explained some strays moved into my courtyard and I fed them.

One woman said, "You could just feed them with dry cat food.  They are feral cats and could get by with less."

I thought about it and replied,  "I don't think I'd want to do that."

She replied, "You are going to go broke."

I stood there for several seconds as I thought about this.  Then I replied:  "I don't think so."

She then said, "I don't either."

It was not brought to my mind to tell her that which God had said to me:

"You take care of them the way I take care of you."


Pam Padgett ... member of the body of Christ

I filed my income taxes online toward the end of March. A few days ago I was going to put my tax files away and wanted to check that everything had processed ok. When I checked the status of my state tax refund I was shocked when a screen came up saying that my state tax return had either not been received or could not be "verified" (I had no idea what "verified" meant).  

Thinking that maybe I hadn't actually hit the "submit" button for the return, I checked that on another screen. That screen said a return had been successfully submitted. But then I saw an email dated the day I had submitted the return, and the email said the return was for the year 2016. This could be just an error in the email, but with the conflicting information I was seeing online I wasn't sure.  

I started praying, telling God I was very concerned about this.  

There was a phone number on the state tax website, but also something was mentioned that it could take a while to get through. I dreaded being on hold for a long time, so also talked with God about whether I should call.  

A thought came which I believed was from the Holy Spirit that I didn't need to do anything at that time.  

Wednesday evening when I went to the mailbox there was a letter from the state tax department. It said that because of fraud concerns they wanted to verify that I was the one who had filed this 2017 return.  They could not process the return until they verified this. 

There was a verification code in the letter and instructions to go online and enter this code. When I did that, a screen came up saying the verification was successful. Now I can see that the return is being processed.  

I'm very grateful to have been spared trying to call to get information about my return. Just as I heard, I didn't need to do anything at that time. 


Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet

For several months, I noticed it was getting much more difficult for me to hear TV or what people said on phone.  I thought I was probably loosing my hearing.  (I am 80)

To get my ambium sleep aid refilled I am required to go into doctor's office every 6 months.

One day, doctor mentioned a lot of wax build up in my ears.  It didn't occur to me to try to remove the wax.  I did that a few years ago at doctor's office and it was not successful.

As my hearing continued to deteriorate, I was reminded of wax build up.  And then I was reminded of current doctor mentioning a lot of wax build up.  The light went on.  The problem might be wax build up instead of hearing loss.

I made appointment for removal of this wax.

It was not successful.  The doctor told me to use over the counter product to soften wax and come back in a week, which I did.

I prayed that they would be able to get the wax out of my ears.

A young nurse worked on my ears.  She was very determined and used many extra steps to get the wax free.  After more than 2 hours of work on me, both ears were complete clear of wax.

I was so grateful this young woman was so diligent.

Now I hear again out of both ears.

When I checked the sound on my TV, the decibels showed I had been listening to TV 45 decibels higher the previous day and even then I could barely hear the dialogue.  I even felt a vibration in the back of the chair and cat was disturbed by the loud sound while I was straining to hear.

During this time, my hearing was so bad I couldn't tell if my car was running when I tried to turn on motor.  I had to look at dash board to see if the dash light showed it to be running for I couldn't hear it running.

I wondered how many people go through life thinking they need hearing aide when actually they need wax removed.  I feel certain my mother was one of those people.

I believe it was God who kept reminding me of ear wax removal.


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