Friday, July 30, 2021

* Working to keep your salvation.

Comments by Joan Boney: 

A few nights ago, I noticed a movie concerning a small Texas town set in the 1950's.    I set my recorder planning to watch that movie later for it came on about 10:30 pm and I usually check the next day's blog at that time.

But I decided to see a few minutes of the movie before it was time to check the blog.

I enjoyed the way the move began and the dialogue in the opening scenes.  But rather quickly sexual implications began to surface and as the show went on it was far more graphic.

I finally stopped looking at the movie and deleted it from my recordings.

Then I began checking the blog to see that it was publishing in a satisfactory way.  But I found I couldn't focus on the scriptures presented which concerned homosexuals/lesbians and divorce/remarriage.

I stopped reading the blog and began talking to God, confessing what I believe which is in the Bible and thanking God for my salvation and how HE spoke to me and changed my life in 1975.

I went back to the blog and found some life had returned as I read those scriptures.

I stopped again and spoke to God about many of the things HE has done for me.

I read the blog a third time and there was more life than the second.

I read the blog again and it was strong with life this time.

I believe we work to hold onto to the Bible and that which we believe and are assured of.


Jude v. 3

Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.
