Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Warning: You can bring trouble on yourself by waiting when you know what to do.

Joan Boney ... apostle/prophet

(I tell you apostle/prophet so that you may know the messages I carry are not of my own opinion but are messages from God Himself ... Thus saith the Lord.)


We must respond in a timely manner.  To wait can harm yourself and negate the good you could do by prompt response.

Doors for Satan are often opened in your own life and in the lives of others when you fail to respond immediately when you could encourage another person.

When God tells you something to do, to wait can negate the blessing possible by acting immediately and it can open doors for Satan when you wait after hearing to do something.


April 1, 2018    I had very strong impression that I needed to communicate some information with a woman in our little church group.  I sent her an email explaining why her name is always last on the list of multiple emails.  Devil might be hinting to her that she is less important than the others, causing her needless worry.  Devil is a liar and there is no truth in him.

If I waited to send this email to her, I could have ended up opening doors for devil to attack her.

I really try to be immediate in my action when I believe it is Holy Spirit showing me something.  We do not want to open doors for harm to come to another person through our inaction.

Paul says:  We are not unaware of the works of Satan.  (Paraphrased)

By getting us to wait, Satan has more time to attack us and perhaps stop us from that which God told us to do.


January 10, 1980    In the night, while I was sleeping, a trumpet-like voice blew three words into my ear:  "Hartford, Seattle, KWJS"

I awoke and grabbed note pad and wrote the letters, "KWJS", on the note, not wanting to take the chance of failing to get those letters correct.  

They sounded to me like call letters to either radio or television.  I checked immediately and found KWJS was a radio station.

I said to God:  "Are YOU telling me to go on radio.  I wouldn't know how to do that.  I'm a writer, not a speaker."

I heard, by a gentle voice, the following thought:  "Call the radio station manager."

(When God tells me to do something, I consider HE wants me to do that at the time that HE communicates with me.)

So that morning, when I felt offices should be open, I called and asked to speak with the station manager of KWJS.

The station manager came on the phone immediately.

I told him God might be showing me to go on radio.  I asked him:  "How would you do that?"

He told me to make an audition tape 29 1/2 minutes long and send it to him and if I fit the broadcasting, he would offer me a contract.

As soon as I hung up the phone, I recording a message of exhortation for the church, speaking those scriptures and examples which were called to my mind.  I mailed the tape that same morning to the station manager.

Within 5 days, I was broadcasting exhortations on radio KWJS.

Responding in a timely way is doing what you hear to do when you hear it.   God knows the timing.  If God wants me to do something, I consider HE wants me to do such the day I hear what to do.  No waiting! 


End of 1981    God began speaking to me over and over the following words:  "The time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God."  Then God opened my eyes to see wrong doing in various ministries.  I knew I had to warn these ministers.  But when I tried to warn them, I found I was unable to get a message of warning through to them either by phone or in writing.  So I warned them by name on my own radio broadcasts.  This reached them.

After about 2 months of doing this, God gave me a dream showing me I was in great danger if I went out and had meetings in public as I had been doing.  HE said to me in that dream:  "Don't go until you see Exodus 15."

When I awoke, I cancelled all meetings that were scheduled for the entire year of 1982.  I just stayed home at my apartment in Dallas and continued to record radio broadcasts.

I believe God's message and my immediate obedience saved my life.

Jesus said:  the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.  John 16:2

We had been receiving enormous amounts of hate mail from the followers of the ministers that I had to correct ... Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, Kenneth Copeland ... and others.


End of March, 2012    God gave me a dream of a woman singing.  I said, "It's a little voice, but it is a nice little voice."  I had it put into my mind it was a blog.  I saw the church communicating exhortations and teachings from God through that blog.

When I awoke, I called Pam Padgett, who had been a computer code writer for Fed Ex.  I asked her if she could set up a blog.  She did and within 3 days we were exhorting the church in ways of God on our blog.


Currently    Over and over, those in our little church group, fail to communicate with me in a timely manner ... they wait ... causing me needless extra pain.  

I don't know why this happens but I find it is a way most people live on this earth ... waiting.

I feel waiting could be greater danger in the last days.

Lot waited when the angels of God told him what to do.  It did cause him loss.

God told Abraham to come out from his father's house and go into a land which he knew not.

Abraham just left, knowing not where he was going. 

Genesis 12:4   So Abram departed, as the LORD had spoken unto him;

Real faith!  
