Saturday, February 8, 2014

Helped by God

Pam Padgett ... teacher

I want to share how God helped me recently by showing me what was causing a physical problem. 

One evening my arms suddenly started itching intensely and there were many bumps on them.  I was concerned that this might be a serious physical problem, and was scared.  I prayed, crying out to God to help me.  

Before long, a very gentle thought came that this was an allergic reaction to something I had eaten.  I believed this thought was from the Holy Spirit and considered what new foods I had eaten.  One thing I recalled was having purchased and eaten some cookies the day the itching started.  When I stopped eating the cookies, the problem stopped.  (Evidently I'm allergic to something in those cookies.)

When I think of this I am so grateful that God knows everything about us, even small details like this.

Matthew 10:30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.